Monthly Perspectives May 2024

Monthly Perspectives May 2024


Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

Friday 10 May from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


In view of the holy month of Saga Dawa (May 9 to June 6), which culminates with the day of the Buddha’s enlightenment, and which also includes the day of his Parinirvana, Khenpo Tashi Lag will give teachings on the life of the Buddha Shakyamuni, presenting to us the deep meaning of the twelve extraordinary acts that he performed for the benefit of all beings, and in particular for those who live in this world.

The teachings will be based on prayer depicting the life and deeds of the Buddha, which will prepare us very well for Saga Dawa and inspire us to practice intensely during this very special and powerful time.

To join us on site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE.


Thursday 23 May from 20:00 to 24:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


SAGA DAWA DÜCHEN is one of the four major Buddhist holidays. It celebrates the Enlightenment and Parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is one of the most powerful days of the year and coming together to practice and recite the special prayers generates unlimited merits, which we will especially dedicate to universal peace and the benefit of all beings sensitive.

You are all invited to participate so that together we can make our indirect contribution to pacifying the difficulties facing the world. Depending on your availabillity, you may also participate in the evening only.

During his Enlightenment, at the age of thirty-five in Bodhgaya, the Buddha proclaimed:

“Profound peace, natural simplicity, incomparable luminosity, I found Dharma similar to nectar.”

When the Buddha lay dying in a grove in the forest at Kushinagara, surrounded by five hundred of his disciples, he said to them with his last breath:

“It is in the nature of all things that take form to dissolve again. Strive with all your being to achieve perfection.”


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Les samedis 4 et 18 mai de 14h à 16h :

Des conseils pour un disciple sincère donnés par Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893 – 1959)

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.




The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.   

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