Monthly perspectives September 2023

Friday 15 septembre from 20:00 to 22:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :
To celebrate His Holiness’ birthday (according to the Tibetan calendar) the ritual of “Thousand-Offerings to Buddha Ushnishavijaya” (tib. Namgyal Tongchö) will be performed. Buddha Ushnishavijaya is one of the three longevity Buddhas.
His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche is one of the most venerated Lamas and Vidyadhara of Vajrayana Buddhism and having His constant presence in our centres is truly a great blessing. It is important for us to continuously create karma to keep this connection with him alive!
Through this powerful ritual may we deeply request His Holiness to remain in good health and live long, and continuously turn the wheel of Dharma.
During the Namgyal Tongchö–ritual, the seven offerings of water for drinking, water for washing, flowers, incense, light, scented water and food are prepared 1000 times.
If you would like to contribute to these offerings with a donation, you are most welcome.
Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :
Ushnishavijaya, ‘Victorious Queen of the Crown of Light’ is a female Deity of long life who manifested from the brilliant rays of light that crown Buddha Shakyamuni. The crown of light (Ushnisha) is one of the 32 major signs of spiritual realisation that appears as a result of the boundless supreme wisdom attained by a Buddha. As an emblem of the absolute spiritual state, the Ushnisha symbolises the all-conquering power of omniscience, which enables even death to be defeated. Ushnishavijaya personifies such victorious power.
For more information about this program, please click HERE.
To join us for this even in Kuttolsheim (FR), please click HERE.
Saturday afternoons
Only in French 🇫🇷
Les samedis 2, 9, 23 et 30 septembre de 14h à 16h :
De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.
Plus spécifiquement :
Les 2 et 9 septembre :
LA PRAJÑĀPARAMITĀ OU PERFECTION DE LA SAGESSE. Ré-étude de l’enseignement dispensé les 9 et 10 juin par vén. Khenpo Ngawang Gyatso Lag.
La prajñāparamitā ou perfection de la sagesse est un ensemble de textes du bouddhisme mahāyāna développant le thème de la perfection (paramita) de la sagesse transcendante (prajna, de jñā « connaître » précédé du préfixe d’insistance pra), perception aiguë permettant de reconnaître la nature réelle de toutes choses et concepts comme vide de nature propre, et d’atteindre la bouddhéité. Au sein de toute la littérature liée à la prajñāpāramitā, le Sūtra du Cœur est l’un des textes les plus célèbres.
Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.
Les 23 et 30 septembre :
Shamatha (en sanscrit) ou zhinä (ཞི་གནས་ en tibétain) désigne dans le bouddhisme la quiétude mentale, première étape des pratiques de méditation bouddhique -ouvertes par la prise de refuge et le développement de la pensée d’illumination, et closes par le partage des mérites- permettant de développer cet état pour accueillir ensuite la seconde étape, la pratique de vipassanā (en sanscrit) ou lhagtong (ལྷག་མཐོང་ en tibétain), celle de la vision pénétrante.
Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.
The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.