Celebration of the 80th Birthday of His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche

Celebration of the 80th Birthday of His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche

Le jeudi 3 octobre 2024 en Inde du Nord

His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche will celebrate his 80th birthday on Thursday, October 3, 2024, according to the Tibetan calendar. He is a highly esteemed spiritual master. For the Sakyapa, he is the heart itself and ultimate guide for all followers of the school.

The 80th birthday holds significant importance in Tibetan tradition, inviting everyone to participate. Sakya monasteries and centers worldwide will join in the celebrations, wishing His Holiness good health and a long life to continue sharing his wisdom and blessings.

Monthly perspectives July 2024

Monthly perspectives July 2024



Tuesday 9 July at Sakya Tsechen Ling :

Chökhor Düchen is one of the four major Buddhist festivals of the year, during which the Wheel of Dharma, the gift of teaching, is celebrated. The Holy Dharma, which is divided into three broad categories, is the most precious gift the Buddha gave us, because it is its practice that allows us to liberate ourselves and attain enlightenment.

Monthly Session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

Friday 12 July from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


A text written for meditators by the great Lama Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, perhaps the most eminent Master of the 1800s, in which the graduated stages of the path are presented. A nectar of Dharma extracted from the vast and profound teachings that indicates the crucial points of the path traversed by those who emphasise the approach of the practice. The ambrosia of great bliss can only be savoured by those who truly experience the nature of mind and without authentic guidance this is hardly possible. In this work, then, we find what we truly need to proceed safely towards the highest awakening.

For more details, please click HERE.

To join us on site in Küttolsheim, please click HERE.


The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.  

Monthly perspectives June 2024

Monthly perspectives June 2024

Saturday Afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Le samedi 8 juin de 14h à 16h :

Motivation juste & Préliminaires communs

Sa Sainteté le 42ème Sakya Trizin Rinpoché

  • Le samedi 15 juin de 14h à 17h :

Après-midi “portes ouvertes”

  • Le samedi 22 juin :

Fête du village “Kutt’ en fête”

Pour plus de précisions, cliquer ICI.

  • Les samedi 29 et dimanche 30 juin :

Fête du Bouddha au Pavillon Joséphine, Orangerie, Strasbourg

organisée par la Communauté bouddhiste d’Alsace

Pour plus de précisions, cliquer ICI.




The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page

Monthly Perspectives May 2024

Monthly Perspectives May 2024


Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

Friday 10 May from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


In view of the holy month of Saga Dawa (May 9 to June 6), which culminates with the day of the Buddha’s enlightenment, and which also includes the day of his Parinirvana, Khenpo Tashi Lag will give teachings on the life of the Buddha Shakyamuni, presenting to us the deep meaning of the twelve extraordinary acts that he performed for the benefit of all beings, and in particular for those who live in this world.

The teachings will be based on prayer depicting the life and deeds of the Buddha, which will prepare us very well for Saga Dawa and inspire us to practice intensely during this very special and powerful time.

To join us on site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE.


Thursday 23 May from 20:00 to 24:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


SAGA DAWA DÜCHEN is one of the four major Buddhist holidays. It celebrates the Enlightenment and Parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is one of the most powerful days of the year and coming together to practice and recite the special prayers generates unlimited merits, which we will especially dedicate to universal peace and the benefit of all beings sensitive.

You are all invited to participate so that together we can make our indirect contribution to pacifying the difficulties facing the world. Depending on your availabillity, you may also participate in the evening only.

During his Enlightenment, at the age of thirty-five in Bodhgaya, the Buddha proclaimed:

“Profound peace, natural simplicity, incomparable luminosity, I found Dharma similar to nectar.”

When the Buddha lay dying in a grove in the forest at Kushinagara, surrounded by five hundred of his disciples, he said to them with his last breath:

“It is in the nature of all things that take form to dissolve again. Strive with all your being to achieve perfection.”


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Les samedis 4 et 18 mai de 14h à 16h :

Des conseils pour un disciple sincère donnés par Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893 – 1959)

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.




The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.   

Monthly perspectives April 2024

Monthly perspectives April 2024


Khenchen Shérab Gyaltsen Amipa Rinpoché

Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

Friday 12 April from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 April from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


This year, Sunday 14th April, marks the 10th anniversary of Khenchen Sherab (1931 – 2014), founding Master of our centres and highly realised being. Invoking his blessings on this special anniversary is extremely powerful and the benefits are sure to be experienced by all. There is no better method than Guruyoga to invoke spiritual blessings and the Lama Chöpa is the most appropriate and effective ritual for the most important celebrations.

Khenpo Tashi will give teachings on the profound Guruyoga Lama Chöpa, a ritual that will then be practised together on Sunday morning accompanied by many special offerings prepared for the occasion.

Who would like to participate in these offerings (e.g. flowers, fruits, incense, etc) can send a contribution HERE.

In your heart, a spacious sky of love,
clouds of compassion fully gather,
with the rain of activity falling down,
you ripen the harvest of ones to be tamed.
Khenchen Sherab Gyaltsen Amipa, at your feet I bow! 

(adapted from a vajra song by Milarepa)

For more details, please click HERE.

To join us on site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE.


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Les samedis 6, 20 et 27 avril de 14h à 16h :

Des conseils pour un disciple sincère donnés par Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893 – 1959)

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.




The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.  

Monthly Perspectives March 2024

Monthly Perspectives March 2024


Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

Friday 15 March from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk (1524 – 1568) was a disciple of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso (1502 – 1566), whose oral teachings on the source text of Mitrayogin he recorded in his “Notes”. Rather than simply commenting on the meaning of the twenty-five verses, these teachings provide a guide to actually putting their essential message into practice.

Mitrayogin’s deep wish was that beings could free themselves from suffering and relax their minds, which is possible through method and wisdom. It was with this motivation that he composed the twenty-five verses.

On Sunday afternoon, the day of Medicine Buddha, the ritual will be performed.

For more details, please click HERE.

To join us on site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE.


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Les samedis 2, 9 et 30 mars de 14h à 16h :

Des conseils pour un disciple sincère donnés par Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893 – 1959)

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.



The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.   

Monthly Perspectives February 2024

Monthly Perspectives February 2024


Celebration of Tibetan New Year 2151 WOOD DRAGON by Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag

Saturday 10 February 2024 at 10:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :

Brief introduction to the Losar, recitation of the ritual of the 16 Arhats, and long life prayers for Their Holinesses.



Saturday 24 February 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00 on site at Sakya Tsechen Ling as well as online on Zoom :

we celebrate CHOTRUL DÜCHEN, one of the four great buddhist celebrations: The first fifteen days of the Tibetan year commemorate the event when Lord Buddha performed a different miracle each day to instill devotion and increase merit among heretics.  Program:Introduction to Chotrul DüchenSutra of Remembering the Three JewelsThe Three-Part Sutra: Confession before the thirty-five BuddhasBuddha Shakyamuni prayer16 Arhat-ritualLonglife-prayers for Their Holinesses 

Program :

Introduction to Chotrul Düchen

Sutra of Remembrance of the Three Jewels

The sutra in three parts: confession before the thirty-five

Prayer to Shakyamuni Buddha

Ritual of the 16 Arhats

Long life prayer for Their Holinesses

The texts can be downloaded HERE

Please click HERE if you want to celebrate Chotrul Düchen with us through ZOOM.


Monthly session with Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

From Friday 23 to Sunday 25 February 2024 on site at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


For the occasion of the new Tibetan year Khenpo Tashi confers the initiation of White Tara.

Known as a female deity who responds quickly and effectively to any heartfelt request, White Tara is particularly associated with healing, protecting, and stabilizing our life force. Her practice is especially effective and helpful during difficult times and when our lives are dominated by intense emotions and fear. Practiced by all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara has been the main deity practice of many well-known Buddhist scholars and siddhas in both India and Tibet. White Tara’s special function is to promote long life, peace, prosperity, and health through her enlightened activities, both for the practitioner and for others.

For more details, please click HERE.

To join us on site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE.


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Le samedis 3 février de 14h à 16h :

Des conseils pour un disciple sincère donnés par Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893 – 1959)

  • Les samedis 10 et 17 février de 14h à 16h :

L’importance d’étudier le Dharma du Bouddha par Khenchen Appey Rinpoché (1927 – 2010)

qui était un maître du Dharma accompli, un être humain d’une grande bonté et d’une grande compassion.

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.



The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.  

Monthly Perspectives January 2024

Monthly Perspectives January 2024


Monthly session by Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

From Friday 26 to Sunday 28 January 2024 on site at Sakya Tsechen Ling and on line via Zoom :


Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk (1524 – 1568) was a disciple of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso (1502 – 1566), whose oral teachings on Mitrayogin’s source text he recorded in these “Notes”. Rather than simply commenting on the meaning of the twenty-five verses, these teachings provide a guide for actually putting their essential message into practice.

Mitrayogin’s deep wish was that beings could be free from suffering and relax their mind, which is possible through method and wisdom. With this motivation, he composed the twenty-five verses.

For more details of this program, please click HERE

To join on-site in Kuttolsheim, please click HERE


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Les samedis 13 et 20 janvier de 14h à 16h :


Shamatha (en sanscrit) ou zhinä (ཞི་གནས་ en tibétain) désigne dans le bouddhisme la quiétude mentale, première étape des pratiques de méditation bouddhique -ouvertes par la prise de refuge et le développement de la pensée d’illumination, et closes par le partage des mérites- permettant de développer cet état pour accueillir ensuite la seconde étape, la pratique de vipassanā (en sanscrit) ou lhagtong (ལྷག་མཐོང་ en tibétain), celle de la vision pénétrante.


The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page.

Monthly perspectives December 2023

Monthly perspectives December 2023


Winter retreat by Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

From Tuesday, December 26, 2023 to Monday, January 1, 2024 on-site at Sakya Tsechen Ling as well as online via Zoom:

Dedicated to BUDDHA VAIROCANA – Initiation, teachings, meditations and rituals

Vairocana, or the Luminous One, one of the five Dhyani Buddhas, is a very important figure in Tibetan Buddhism. 

Meditation on Vairocana, who embodies the supreme wisdom of Dharmadhatu, liberates from ignorance and rebirth in lower realms.

In contrast to the emphasis on the teachings of the historical Buddha Śākyamuni in his Physical Body (Nirmanakāya), Vajrayana Buddhism places the timeless teachings of the Buddha’s Dharma Body (Dharmakāya) at the center of its doctrinal universe. This “cosmic Buddha” is called Mahāvairocana and is beyond all conception of worldly duality, but its essence is within all phenomena (dharmas) as their Buddha-nature or “seed-to-enlightenment” (Bodhicitta). 

In Esoteric Buddhism, enlightenment means to realize that one’s own Buddha-nature is identical with Mahāvairocana and can even be achieved in this lifetime while possessing a human body.

For more information about this program, please click HERE.

To join us for this even in Kuttolsheim (FR), please click HERE.


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis 2, 9 et 16 décembre de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Le samedi 2 décembre de 14h à 16h :


En prolongement de la session des 20 à 22 octobre derniers et en référence à un enseignement de Son Éminence regrettée Chogye Trichen Rinpoché.

Intervenant : Marie-Madeleine Schm.

  • Les samedis 9 et 16 décembre de 14h à 16h :


Shamatha (en sanscrit) ou zhinä (ཞི་གནས་ en tibétain) désigne dans le bouddhisme la quiétude mentale, première étape des pratiques de méditation bouddhique -ouvertes par la prise de refuge et le développement de la pensée d’illumination, et closes par le partage des mérites- permettant de développer cet état pour accueillir ensuite la seconde étape, la pratique de vipassanā (en sanscrit) ou lhagtong (ལྷག་མཐོང་ en tibétain), celle de la vision pénétrante.

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.



The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page. .  

Monthly Perspectives November 2023

Monthly Perspectives November 2023



Saturday 4 November at 14:30 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :

November 4 is celebrated as Lhabab Düchen, one of the four most important Buddhist festivals, which commemorates the descent of Buddha Shakyamuni from the heavens of Tushita. We will recite the ritual of the 16 Arhats.



Saturday 18 November from 16:00 to 18:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :

In order to celebrate the birthday of His Holiness, the 42nd Kyabgon Gongma Sakya Trizin Rinpoche the ritual of the three Deities of longevity will be recited, with the wish to increase the auspicious conditions for receiving guidance and teachings from His Holiness on the path to the enlightenment of all beings. We also hope that His Holiness will visit our centers again soon!

Everyone is welcome to join us in the temple or online. There is, however, no text available for this practice, you can perform your own practices during the ritual or simply stand in the presence of the blessings of this powerful ritual.


Monthly session with Christian Bernert

Friday 24 November from 20:30 to 22:00, and Saturday and Sunday 25 and 26 November from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :


To guide his disciples towards liberation and enlightenment, the Buddha gave a wide range of teachings tailored to their individual needs and abilities. These teachings were then grouped into three classes of teachings called the three settings in motion of the wheel of Dharma, each setting in motion revealing another essential dimension of the path. In seminars during three years from 2022 to 2024, each of these teaching classes is addressed in turn.

In this second part, the specific subject of the second setting in motion of the wheel of Dharma is the profound wisdom of emptiness. This was expounded at length in the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom and later commented upon by many great masters, including Ārya Nāgārjuna and the teachers of the Madhyamaka school.

In this seminar we will explore the notion of reality as it is taught in the sutras of the perfection of wisdom. Our study of the “Heart Sutra” will be based on a commentary by the great Sakya master, Rongteun Sheja Kunrig, and accompanied by an introduction to the Middle Way school (Madhyamaka).

For more information about this program, please click HERE.

To join us for this even in Kuttolsheim (FR), please click ICI.



Wednesday 29 November from 10:00 to 12:00 at Sakya Tsechen Ling :

Six years ago, on November 29, 2017, passed away our dear Khenpo Dakpa Woeser Lag, lama resident in SAKYA TSECHEN LING, Kuttolsheim/France for 26 years.

We will perform the Vajrayogini ritual for the deceased in his memory at our center in Kuttolsheim. The ritual will be led in the Tibetan language by Lama Sherab Sangpo Lag, our resident monk in Kuttolsheim. This ritual has the power to benefit sentient beings, especially the deceased, and create auspicious bonds. You may submit the names of your deceased loved ones HERE and/or if you wish, you can make a donation for butter lamps or tsog offerings HERE.

Everyone is welcome to join us at the temple or online; However, please note that there is no text available for this practice, so you can join us and do your own meditations and practices, or simply be in the presence of the blessings of this powerful ritual.


Saturday Afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis 11 et 18 novembre de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :


Shamatha (en sanscrit) ou zhinä (ཞི་གནས་ en tibétain) désigne dans le bouddhisme la quiétude mentale, première étape des pratiques de méditation bouddhique -ouvertes par la prise de refuge et le développement de la pensée d’illumination, et closes par le partage des mérites- permettant de développer cet état pour accueillir ensuite la seconde étape, la pratique de vipassanā (en sanscrit) ou lhagtong (ལྷག་མཐོང་ en tibétain), celle de la vision pénétrante.

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.



The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page