Monthly perspectives December 2023

Monthly perspectives December 2023


Winter retreat by Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag

From Tuesday, December 26, 2023 to Monday, January 1, 2024 on-site at Sakya Tsechen Ling as well as online via Zoom:

Dedicated to BUDDHA VAIROCANA – Initiation, teachings, meditations and rituals

Vairocana, or the Luminous One, one of the five Dhyani Buddhas, is a very important figure in Tibetan Buddhism. 

Meditation on Vairocana, who embodies the supreme wisdom of Dharmadhatu, liberates from ignorance and rebirth in lower realms.

In contrast to the emphasis on the teachings of the historical Buddha Śākyamuni in his Physical Body (Nirmanakāya), Vajrayana Buddhism places the timeless teachings of the Buddha’s Dharma Body (Dharmakāya) at the center of its doctrinal universe. This “cosmic Buddha” is called Mahāvairocana and is beyond all conception of worldly duality, but its essence is within all phenomena (dharmas) as their Buddha-nature or “seed-to-enlightenment” (Bodhicitta). 

In Esoteric Buddhism, enlightenment means to realize that one’s own Buddha-nature is identical with Mahāvairocana and can even be achieved in this lifetime while possessing a human body.

For more information about this program, please click HERE.

To join us for this even in Kuttolsheim (FR), please click HERE.


Saturday afternoons

Only in French 🇫🇷

Les samedis 2, 9 et 16 décembre de 14h à 16h :

De manière générale, accueil-étude-partage tous niveaux, par l’écoute d’enseignements, la réflexion et la méditation.

Plus spécifiquement :

  • Le samedi 2 décembre de 14h à 16h :


En prolongement de la session des 20 à 22 octobre derniers et en référence à un enseignement de Son Éminence regrettée Chogye Trichen Rinpoché.

Intervenant : Marie-Madeleine Schm.

  • Les samedis 9 et 16 décembre de 14h à 16h :


Shamatha (en sanscrit) ou zhinä (ཞི་གནས་ en tibétain) désigne dans le bouddhisme la quiétude mentale, première étape des pratiques de méditation bouddhique -ouvertes par la prise de refuge et le développement de la pensée d’illumination, et closes par le partage des mérites- permettant de développer cet état pour accueillir ensuite la seconde étape, la pratique de vipassanā (en sanscrit) ou lhagtong (ལྷག་མཐོང་ en tibétain), celle de la vision pénétrante.

Intervenant : Lama Shérab Sangpo Lag.



The various centres founded in Europe by Khenchen Shérab G. Amipa Rinpoche, grouped together in an European SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY, have elaborated, under the impulse of Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Lag, on a common basis and in a completely renewed form, an enriched programming base accessible to everyone. You will find there details of the online teachings, local teachings, study programmes and rituals of this first quarter of 2021 as well as the means to benefit from them. To access it, simply click on the blue “SAKYA DHARMA FAMILY” button at the bottom of this page. .  

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